News Page 1
This page contains all the latest news about school amateur radio clubs. Please contact us to add your SARC news to this page. Send us a picture and description of your SARC activities. Remember to get parental permission to publish student photographs on this site and in our newsletters.
2016 ANZAC Day Amateur Radio Special Event article published in Amateur Radio magazine
The School Amateur Radio Club Network and the Melbourne Region Scouts joined forces to present their inaugural ANZAC Day Amateur Radio Special Event at the 1st Bentleigh Scout Hall at Victory Park in Victoria.
The all-day event was attended by some 200 school students, Scouts and their families.
Highlights of the day included a high altitude balloon launch, a very moving ANZAC day ceremony and many radio-related activities and displays.
The progress of the balloon, which was tracked by local amateurs, was closely monitored by the children on their mobile devices.
The electronics soldering activity, first aid - CPR demonstration and a historic WW2 radio display also attracted a lot of attention.
Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator article published in Amateur Radio magazine
This article describes the design and construction of a mini antenna rotator for tracking amateur radio satellites. The inspiration for this project was to provide a portable and appealing demonstration of amateur radio satellite operation for our primary school amateur radio clubs. The results have been completely satisfactory.
To communicate via amateur radio satellites in low earth orbit a directional antenna with even a few decibels of gain is a definite advantage. However, the antenna must be pointed at the satellite for about 10 minutes during a typical overhead pass.
Our problem was that holding the antenna and pointing it in the right direction for an entire satellite pass was a real chore for small children. It detracted from the novelty of amateur radio satellite communications. So it was time for technology to step in and make our lives easier. This mini satellite-antenna rotator was the result.
SARC article published in Education Today magazine
A one-page, abridged version of our SARC article was published in the term 1 2016 edition of the prestigious Education Today magazine (The "school principals' magazine" with a readership of over 8000 school principals). Entitled "School amateur radio is set for a comeback with SARCNET" the article was expertly condensed by ET Staff to fit the single page format of the magazine. Many thanks to ET editor Mr. Bill Minnis of Minnis Journals for the great work and all the help provided along the way. For more information on Education Today magazine please see:
2015 SARC Excellence Awards
Top students, Isobel, Isabella and Zara from three primary school amateur radio clubs in Melbourne each received excellence awards for shortwave communications together with a prize sponsored by the Altronics Springvale store. The store manager Mr. Harold Mollaneda said he was delighted to sponsor the prizes of a soldering iron, solder and wire cutters to students who had excelled in school amateur radio club activities including electronic kit building. The clubs promote concepts of science and technology to an enthusiastic group of young students through the fascinating hobby of amateur radio. For more information about school amateur radio clubs please contact Julie VK3FOWL by emailing
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