School Amateur Radio Club Network - SARCNET

School Amateur Radio Club Network
School Amateur Radio Club Network
School Amateur Radio Club Network
School Amateur Radio Club Network
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Welcome to SARCNET
This site is a free on-line resource for anyone associated with or thinking about setting up a School Amateur Radio Club. That is, a fun, school lunch-time activity for a select group of students, who would rather be tinkering with electronic gadgets and exploring the air waves than dodging footballs or watching cricket.

School Amateur Radio Clubs are a neat way to get in an extra shot of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) while exercising your on-air conversational skills and tuning up your enquiring minds. It will expand your horizons, build your confidence, harness your creativity and help you develop new skills. Each week there will be different activities to whet your appetite. SARC members learn to work together as a group and to help each other through some pretty exciting challenges.

This site is for school principals, teachers, parents, students and amateur radio enthusiasts. It provides inspiration, ideas, articles, news and activities all free to download, modify and use as you wish.The first thing we would like to give you for free is our total encouragement and support for this very worthwhile and successful activity. Please do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

Next, please read our SARC article with an introduction by our biggest supporter, school principal Mr. Michael Day.

Then check out our SARC FAQ or Amateur Radio FAQ. Have a look at the schools already participating in this program and some of the amazing activities they do and the awards they get. See what the gang is doing on our gallery page. You can download our booklet which provides a handy reference for all SARC members. There is also a proposal to start a club, a form for new members to fill out and a newsletter to kick things off at school. You will even find a exciting range of our original, open-source, electronics projects: All free to download and each inspired in some way by our SARC students. We even offer some of our more popular projects as DIY kits for sale on our products page.

Oh, and did we mention a challenge? Well, your mission, should you decide to accept it, could well be on our missions page. These exciting role-play adventures will certainly test all of your skills. Want to have a an Amateur Radio satellite contact or listen to something in orbit? Checkout our satellites page to find out what's up there and when you can hear it! Can't wait for the next lunchtime SARC session? Why not come along to our after-school workshops or organise one of your own? Can't find what you're looking for on this site? Try our site map or links page.

Finally, keep up to date with all our news and events or participate in our on-line forums. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you live in the southern states of Australia, you can call in to SARCNET on 7105kHz LSB in the afternoons. Worldwide, you can catch us on SARCNET Digital on 7072.500kHz USB Olivia 8/250 in the evenings. Don’t forget that when you set up your own School Amateur Radio Club and your school is listed here, you can contribute to this site by sending us your own news articles, activities and missions. You will also receive our regular SARC newsletter by e-mail.

Good luck from Julie VK3FOWL and Joe VK3YSP. For more information see about SARCNET.

Your School Amateur Radio Club
Your School Amateur Radio Club
School Amateur Radio Club members are a select group of students
Electronics and Soldering
Amateur Radio
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